Our insights bring you a wealth of information and expert guidance covering subjects on health, fitness, injury prevention and much more
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Pre and post operative rehabilitation
FitFor will help you prepare physically and psychologically prior to an operation with physiotherapy methods to optimise your recovery.
Driving - How to avoid neck, shoulder and back pain
The festive season and heading homeward to spend time with loved ones should be a reason to celebrate. Unfortunately, for some, that extended car journey to get to the yuletide destination can be a prime time for the old back and neck aches to flare up…
Train for 5km or 10km run
Running any distance, if you do not class yourself as a runner, or are unfit, can be a challenging prospect, but as long as you approach the task methodically you can, and will, achieve your goal with time to spare.
Winter nutrition tips
With the winter here many of us are feeling quite run down after a busy December and New Year celebrations. Perhaps you didn’t get as much rest over the holidays as you were hoping for. You might also have eaten and drunk a little bit too much and now stressing over your weight gain.
Pre and post natal pregnancy services
At FitFor, many of our staff are parents themselves and we understand first-hand how your body will change during this important stage of life. Our specialist physio services will give you a better understanding of your body’s changes and how to be in the best shape you can for childbirth and beyond.
Back injuries in Rugby
Back injuries are common in Rugby, most often occurring while tackling. A sudden impact of two facet joints in the lower spine can be caused by tackling at an awkward angle, or being forced back by the opposing player causing an over-extension of the lower back.
Pregnancy and fitness
These days, the words pregnancy and fitness are far more synonymous than they used to be. For the most part, women who exercise regularly prior to pregnancy, look to carry that fitness through to childbirth. Or, once pregnant, they decide to increase their focus on fitness in preparation for the challenge of looking after children.