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A Sensible method to define obesity
At FitFor, we have long advocated the use of body fat measurements, using our Tanita MC780 bio-electrical impedance machine…
44 Ways to shake up your health and fitness in 2025
As 2025 kicks off, Simon Usborne, prolific freelancer writer and FitFor member, writes up his 44 recommendations for a healthy and fit new year, with some inspiration from our very own director, Alexei Sharp
What is a ‘fitness age’, and should it be trusted…? We certainly think so…!
At FitFor, we often refer to a Bio or Fitness Age, which we arrive at during our Fitness Fundamentals assessments, given to all members at the beginning of, and ongoing during their fitness journey with us. The bio-age uses objective measures of cardio-respiratory, strength, metabolic and mobility levels to glean an accurate overall fitness age, which we think is a good way to quantify your relative physical fitness age.
FitFor - 50 Years with Physio
Physical strains such as neck and back pain are more common than you might think. They can cause serious and long lasting challenges, discomfort and affect your overall quality of life.
The Secret to staying fit in your 40s
Guardian journalist, Simon Usborne, uncovers the secrets to staying fit in your 40s, using some famous examples, and a quote or two from our very own fit in your 40s expert, Alexei Sharp.
Shoulder problems
The shoulder has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body. To allow so much movement the joint needs to be ‘free’ to move and can become unstable without its complex ligaments and muscles to keep it in motion.
Postural problems
‘Good’ posture is achieved by maintaining core stability, spinal length and activating the deep spinal antigravity muscles. Gravity has an invisible effect on the body all of the time and the effect is greater on a slumped posture than in an upright position.
Achilles heel - physiotherapy
Your Achilles Heel is the back part of your heel, where the tendons connect to the calf muscle. Once injured it can take longer to be cured because of the lack of blood flow to the affected area.
Patellofemoral pain syndrome - causes and treatments
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), which is also known as runners knee, chondromalacia patellae and anterior knee pain, is a generic term used to describe pain at the front of the knee and around the knee cap.
Walking holiday in Greece
Libby Sharp, clinical director, recalls a walking holiday in beautiful Greece & managing an ankle sprain en route.
How to get your pre-lockdown mojo back..
After a lifetime of loving exercise, Martin Love lost his motivation. But where had it gone? And could he get it back? Plus, five experts on how to maintain your mojo
Wearables 2.0
Black Friday, an occasion previously alien to those outside the US, is now most definitely a worldwide event and we are happy to hop on the bandwagon. The wearable health tech market is expanding at warp speed, as awareness of our ongoing health advances. In the spirit of this, we’ve reviewed some exciting brands that may catch your attention for the sales today or as a stocking filler at Christmas for that (very) special person.
Anxiety and exercise
Anxiety can be a paralysing and crippling emotion, stopping us in our tracks and getting in the way of all aspects of our lives. Anxiety can sap our motivation at any time and can be a huge barrier to success. How do we motivate ourselves to do something, when that something is the last something we want to do?
Recovery after a marathon
If you participated in a Marathon recently, congratulations on your fantastic achievement. You may be basking in the well-deserved glow of your achievement, and so you should. The endorphin high alone must be an amazing experience but once that fades, there may be some aches and pains to remedy. Your body has taken a pounding and will need some due care and attention. If you can be proactive, you will recover more quickly and reduce the risk of injuries developing.
A sporting star for the ages
Emma Raducano’s amazing win at the US Open Tennis last Saturday is the stuff of legend and a sporting success for the ages. She became the first qualifier to win any major tennis championships, didn’t drop a set throughout the tournament and at just 18 years old, in only her fourth professional event, to achieve what she has, is simply amazing.
Boxing for fitness
From a fitness perspective, however, non-contact boxing fitness training is a fabulous way to get or stay fit, enhance coordination, balance and cognitive function and generally maintain your motivation in a fun and energetic way, with long-lasting upsides to positive mental health.
Cardio Fitness - VO2 Max Testing
A successful lifelong pursuit of cardio fitness will likely help to prolong your life and lead to a more fulfilling, healthier and happier existence. Yeah, yeah but I hate cardio…
If you can get past the hate, and want to know how fit you are and what you can do about it, then a VO2 Max test is a good place to start.
Sporting Psychology
The sporting life is a lifetime of ups and downs, highs and lows, condensed into a mini-life. With the Tokyo Olympics now in full swing, there has already been plenty of triumphs and disappointments but the overwhelming experience is one of the unifying, uplifting and motivating elements that sport plays in our lives.